Spike activity 28-02-2015

Quick links from the past week in mind and brain news:

Nautilus magazine has a good piece on behavioural economics and rethinking ‘nudges’. Although the rethink is really just another form of standard ‘nudge’.

The biggest hedge fund in the world, the $165 billion Bridgewater, starts an AI team to help give it the edge on investments reports Bloomberg. Well, they couldn’t get much worse than humans.

Gizmodo reports that a neuroscientist says he’ll do a head transplant ‘real soon now’. Hungover neuroscientist reads Gizmodo, thinks ‘I said what!?!’

The UK’s Post Office head of marketing has clearly been taken in by neuromarketing who thinks it will help them “better understand” their customers. Just like the stamp while we scan your brain…

The New York Times reports on pharma company Shire doing the old ‘disease marketing by the way I have a pill for that’ trick with DSM-5 newcomer binge eating disorder.

Hard Feelings: Science’s Struggle to Define Emotions. Good piece in The Atlantic.

The Human Brain Project is to be reorganised after a bit of a fuss (Americans: a significant crisis).

Being a asshole boss is bad for team performance. Interesting piece in Harvard Business Review.

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