Point me to a brain area

I’ve just found an incredibly use brain anatomy atlas that when you point at any part of an MRI scan it tells you which part of the brain you’re looking at in all three planes.

It seems to be part of a very useful website called HeadNeckBrainSpine that is full of handy neuroanatomy tools, tutorials and toys.

If nothing else, do check out the MRI atlas as it will give you a feel for how clearly different brain structures appear on a common type of medical scan.

As some folks on the Twitter arguing service have noted, its only slight drawback is the brain’s biggest structure (the frontal lobes) are not perfectly outlined, but they’re marked adequately and it’s still a massively useful tool that I’ve been referring to ever since I found it.

Link to MRI neuroanatomy atlas.
Link to HeadNeckBrainSpine.

One thought on “Point me to a brain area”

  1. Typo error although it doesn’t detract from its meaning: “I’ve just found an incredibly use brain anatomy atlas that when–”

    “use” –> “useful”

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