Going up in smoke

Some amazing graffiti art which has recently appeared in the Colombian city of Medellín near the Hospital metro station.

Medellín has the most amazing street art of any city I’ve ever been too, much of it genuinely beautiful, and often quite socially conscious, in contrast to the gangsta style that pervades many urban landscapes.


The text translates as ‘Tears, pain and desperation are the consequences of dirty money reflected in the harsh mirror of the city. Medellín is decaying through drugs while our lives go up in smoke’.

In Spanish: ‘Lagrimas, dolor y desesperado son las consecuencias del sucio dinero reflejado en el crudo espejo de la urbe. Medellín se nos pudre en drogas mientras nuestras vidas se van con el humo.’

3 thoughts on “Going up in smoke”

  1. it actualy looks quite good grafiti quite impressed i allways remeber over here on the metro system there was real artwork on the system and the cleaner thought it was grafiti and they washed it away must mean that art come in diffrent flavors and styles but what is style to someone is rubbish to someone else

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